How to store Files in the Mode Portal (experimental feature)

As a Mode Portal Administrator you can upload and store important Files within your company Portal for other Admins to access. These files are encrypted and stored safely.

This is currently an experimental feature and can only be enabled initially by the main Super Admin of the Portal. (This is the first Super Admin that is created during the Portal Onboarding.)

To enable the Files section of the Portal, follow these steps:

1.       As the principal “Super Admin”, login to the Portal and head to the Experimental section on the left menu. Turn “ON” the Show Files feature. Hit Save Changes.

2.       You will notice the “Files” section on the left menu. Open it and hit the Get Started button.

3.       Confirm your Password and hit “Verify”.

4.       You will then land in the Files section.

5.       Use the “Upload File” button and select any file you wish to save in your Portal. Any other Admin with Encryption Enabled will have access to these files.

6.       When creating a new Admin, you will be prompted to Enable encryption for them or to skip for now.

7.       If you want to Enable Encryption to existing Admins, head over to the Admins section from the left menu and, in the action menu for the selected Admin, select Enable Encryption.

8.       When the new Admin will open his Files menu, he will need to hit the “Get Started” button and then input his password to enable the encryption for himself.

9.       Before the new Admin can have access to the Files, the main Super Admin will need to log back into his Portal once more for the end-to-end encryption scheme to get established. If that hasn’t happened yet, the new Admin will get the following message.

10.   But finally, once the end-to-end encryption scheme is established properly, the files that were share will be accessible. And new files can also be shared by the New Admin at this point.

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