How to delete Mode on a User’s device

Mode Portal Admins have the ability to remote delete a Mode account from their Staff's devices if they require.

For example: Bob has Mode set-up on his laptop but he also has that same account linked to his Android device. Let's say Bob loses his Android device, a Mode Admin will probably want to have that instance of Mode deleted from the lost Android device. This is how it's done:

  • Access the Users section via the side menu.
  • Find the employee's account on the table and open the three-dot menu in the Actions column.
  • Select Device management. This will open that employee's Device management table.
  • In that table, locate the device we wish to delete and open the three-dot menu.
  • Select Delete Mode Data.
  • The device will receive the command and wipe all account info. This will return the application to its initial state.
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