Messaging Features

You can set a period for messages to disappear for all sent messages sent by:


  1. Going to the avatar logo.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ and to ‘Chat’.
  3. In ‘Disappearing Messages’, select the duration time of which you want messages to disappear under ‘Default Message Timer’.


  1. Go to the settings button on the bottom right.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ and ‘Chats’.
  3. Under ‘Messages’ > ‘Default Message Timer’, select the duration of time which you want messages to disappear under ‘Default Message Timer’.

Mode allows the option to lock messages and attachments, so recipients can’t download, save, copy or forward them. You can do this by:


  1. Going to the avatar logo.
  2. Select ‘Settings and ‘Chat’.
  3. Toggle ON/OFF under ‘Lock Content’.


  1. Go to the settings button on the bottom right.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ and ‘Chats’.
  3. Toggle ON/OFF under ‘Lock Content’.

  • Upload Quality:
The quality of your attachment upload can be set to either Compact / High or Original by:
  1. Go to your ‘Settings’
  2. Under ‘Chat’, select upload quality in ‘Attachments – Media Upload Quality’

  • Use Random Filenames for Attachments (Desktop Only)
To add additional privacy, the name of your file names can be set to be auto generated, meaning the name of the file you upload to Mode Desktop will be randomly generated. You can set this feature on by:
  1. Go to your ‘Settings’
  2. Under ‘Chat’, toggle ON/OFF under ‘Use Random Filenames for Attachments’

  • Remove Meta-Data from Attachments (Desktop Only)
This feature removes attachment information such as author, date, location, camera, file type etc., from your attachments. To turn this feature on:
  1. Go to your ‘Settings’
  2. Under ‘Chat’, toggle ON/OFF under ‘Remove Meta-Data from Attachments’

  • Automatic Media Download
You can also set your Mode app to download media automatically by:


  1. Go to your avatar logo.
  2. Select ‘Settings’.
  3. Under ‘Chat’, toggle ON/OFF under ‘Automatic Media Download’.


  1. Go to your ‘Settings’.
  2. Under ‘Chat’, go to ‘Automatic Media Download’.
  3. You can select automatic media download for photos, audio or files by selecting on each and whether you wish to automatically download by Never, Wi-Fi or Cellular Data (or both).

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